Highest Rated in Connecticut

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Only Eye Surgeon with Cataract & Retina Surgery at the same time

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Your Trusted Harrison Eye Doctor

Your eyesight is easily your most precious sense, making your two eyes some of the most important organs in the entire body. Protecting your eyes and maintaining proper eye health on a regular basis is necessary when preventing vision loss, eye damage, and eye disease.

That’s where your Harrison eye doctor plays an enormous role in your ability to lead a healthy life. They have access to the skills and equipment needed to properly detect, diagnose, and treat your symptoms over a long period of time -- which results in a happier you!

A trip to your Harrison eye care specialist might be feared by many, but it should be a regular part of your health routine. Many people are living with eye conditions without knowing it and will go the entire life without ever receiving the proper treatment. At Coastal Eye Surgeons, we’re committed to changing that.

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End your search for Harrison Eye Care

Searching for a Harrison eye doctor is stressful, but you’ve landed in the right place! Coastal Eye Surgeons is home to Dr. Omar Shakir, MD MBA -- the highest-rated ophthalmologist in the Harrison community. He has dedicated his life to providing the best eye care services possible and he can’t wait to welcome you as a new patient. Our practice isn’t like most ophthalmology practices you see today. Dr. Shakir and his staff provide a luxury, boutique-style setting that allows our patients to truly relax while speaking with their favorite Harrison eye care specialist. By using the world’s most advanced equipment and cutting edge techniques available, Dr. Shakir proves his commitment to excellence. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us immediately, especially if you’re experiencing eye symptoms or suspect the development of an eye condition. The sooner you notify us of your symptoms, the sooner we can formulate a treatment plan designed exclusively for you.

Eye Health Statistics You Can’t Ignore!

Many people misunderstand the importance of maintaining proper eye health and visiting their ophthalmologist regularly. Eye diseases and other eye conditions are far more common than most people believe, so they shouldn’t be taken lightly -- no matter who you are. To put it in perspective for those that don’t believe us, here are some surprising statistics about eye health that everyone should know:

  • Over 12 million people over the age of 40 years old in the United States are suffering from some form of vision impairment
  • Nearly 7% of all children under the age of 18 in the United States have been diagnosed with an eye condition or disease
  • Several thousand workers report job-related eye injuries every single day in the United States 
  • Just under 100 million Americans are at high-risk of vision loss or impairment, but only about half of those individuals have visited an eye doctor in the past year
  • Vision disability finds itself in the top-10 list of most common disabilities among adults in the United States 
  • A majority of blindness caused by diabetes is preventable when visiting your ophthalmologist regularly

Since vision problems often occur with limited-to-no warning, it’s important you have a quality and reliable eye doctor in your corner. They’ll properly diagnose the issue, formulate a treatment plan that fits your needs, and execute that plan to the best of their ability.

Tips: When Maintaining Eye Health Long-Term

Your vision plays an important role in your life. Any damage to your vision can have negative implications on your ability to lead a happy and healthy life. That’s what makes a regular visit to your Harrison eye doctor so important, but that’s not the only eye care you need regularly. Here are some of Dr. Shakir’s most important tips for maintaining your eye health long-term:

  • Avoid smoking and eat a diet rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Zinc, Lutein, and Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Always utilize sunglasses when exposed to sunlight and harmful UV rays
  • You should also use eye protection whenever handling dangerous equipment, tools, or chemicals
  • Be mindful of the amount of time you spend in front of a computer screen or mobile device
  • Understand your family history when it comes to eye health and make sure your ophthalmologist understands as well
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes, no matter how much you want to!
  • If you have to wear contacts, handle them with extreme care and caution
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day and make sure you get enough sleep each night

An ophthalmologist does a lot for your eye health, but they can only do so much. By following these tips on a daily basis, you can put your eyes in a better position to prevent damage or vision loss. It’s something you’ll grow to appreciate more and more, especially as you grow older! See our other ny locations like New Rochelle.

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