Highest Rated in Connecticut

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Only Eye Surgeon with Cataract & Retina Surgery at the same time

Comprehensive Eye Exams

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Looking for an Eye Doctor in Greenwich?

Searching for a quality and board-certified Greenwich ophthalmology expert can be a nerve-wracking experience for anyone. You want to make sure your eye care specialist is reliable, honest, hard-working, experienced, and well-equipped. At the same time, there are so many eye doctors that serve the Greenwich community and choosing one can be difficult. At Coastal Eye Surgeons, we’re the highest-rated eye doctor Greenwich CT has to offer and we’re always accepting new patients. We can’t wait to welcome you to our vision care family and are excited to provide an eye care experience unlike any other practice in the area. Dr. Shakir is adamant about using the most high-tech, up-to-date, and industry-approved equipment when restoring vision in the eye. We provide a boutique-style setting that allows for a more comfortable visit that most people don’t expect when walking into their favorite East Greenwich ophthalmology office.

Signs You Need a Greenwich Eye Doctor

A regular visit to your Greenwich eye doctor is an excellent way to maintain eye health, but there are a variety of instances that might cause you to schedule a visit sooner. Here’s a look at some of the most common signs and symptoms it’s time to visit your ophthalmologist:

  • Red eyes, itchy eyes, dry eyes, spots or specks, floaters, or flashes of light that persist
  • Having a history of eye conditions such as glaucoma or cataracts in your family
  • Experiencing eye symptoms as a result of diabetes
  • Difficulty seeing or reading street signs while driving, especially at night
  • Blurred vision, eye strain, high eye pressure, or headaches after staring at a screen
  • Motion sickness or becoming dizzy when eyeing a moving target
  • Frequent squinting while reading a newspaper or book, or watching television

Any sudden loss of vision or change in eye function should be cause for concern. While it doesn’t always indicate a major issue, eye doctors in Greenwich CT can help diagnose your symptoms and formulate an effective treatment plan to get you better ASAP.

Your Trusted Ophthalmologist in Greenwich, CT

Most people don’t think about it often enough, but there are a wide range of eye diseases and conditions that affect millions of people all around the world. That’s why it’s so important every individual and family have a board-certified ophthalmologist by their side every step of the way.

At Coastal Eye Surgeons, we specialize in a wide range of eye care services that ensure our patients have quality vision for as long as possible. We offer cutting-edge treatments for laser cataract surgery, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, dry eyes, corneal issues, complications with the retina, eye allergies, and much more.

Dr. Shakir also specializes in comprehensive eye exams, which help to detect eye diseases and other eye conditions in their early stages. Of course, this results in a much more accurate and effective treatment plan for our patients. A regular eye exam goes a long way in maintaining eye health long-term. 

With a Doctor of Medicine from Albany Medical College, an internship at Johns Hopkins University, a residency at the University of Florida, and a two-year vitreous and retina surgery fellowship at Yale University, Dr. Omar Shakir, MD MBA has all the experience necessary when treating eye conditions in the Greenwich community.

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Are You Maintaining Proper Eye Health?

Knowing when to visit your vision care expert is extremely important, but there are also a wide range of things we can all be doing at home to improve our eye health over time. Here are some of Dr. Shakir’s best tips for maintaining proper eye health -- even when you’re not at the eye doctor’s office:

  • Wear your sunglasses. Many people underestimate the power of sunglasses, especially when exposed to direct sunlight
  • Avoid smoking tobacco. Research shows that smoking tobacco results in a higher risk of age-related macular degeneration
  • Eat a well-balanced diet. Make sure you target Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Zinc, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, DHA, and EPA in your diet.
  • Use eye protection often. Whether you’re playing sports, working with wood, cutting with scissors, or using power tools.
  • Understand proper contact lens care. Anything that’s close to the eye, including contact lenses, should be handled with extreme caution.

Contact Us for Your Next Eye Exam!

If you’re ready to book your next eye exam, you need the most-talented and most-diligent ophthalmologist Greenwich has to offer. That’s where we come in as your state-of-the-art and highly-trained Greenwich eye doctor. When you’re ready to meet Dr. Shakir and the rest of his team at Coastal Eye Surgeons, don’t hesitate to reach out today. We’re always accepting new patients and are excited to extend our services to you and your family. See our other ct locations like Norwalk.

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