The ideal surgical setting

Office-based surgery is an incredible opportunity for patients to have world-class procedures in the convenience of a beautiful office setting with familiar staff. We boast the highest technology in surgical systems, microscopes, lasers, and other machinery anywhere in the world. Cutting-edge techniques and equipment are the foundation for improving patient outcomes.

Dr. Omar Shakir preparing for surgery
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Surgeons take the lead.

In a surgical office setting, surgeons take the lead in cultivating a safe and welcoming experience. Unlike in a hospital environment, where surgeons are just one part of the patient experience, in an office-based surgery center, the surgeons have more control over all the variables of how surgery is done. This includes everything from the sterile preparation of the surgical field to the patient's overall comfort level, which allows your surgeon to create a more controlled environment in the operating room, leading to better patient outcomes. For example, surgeons can take the time to ensure that the patient is adequately prepped and draped before surgery, which can help reduce the risk of infection and other complications. They can also control the temperature and lighting in the operating room to ensure maximal patient comfort during their vision enhancement procedure.

Quality bedside manner

One of the key benefits of having surgery in a surgical office setting is the attention to detail and quality bedside manner that surgeons can provide. This can increase trust and reduce anxiety for patients, who may feel more comfortable in a familiar and less intimidating environment.

In addition, surgeons in a surgical office setting can take a more personalized approach to patient care, spending more time with each patient. This approach allows surgeons to get to know their patient's needs and concerns and tailor their approach to each patient's unique situation.

Overall, a surgical office setting can provide patients with a more comfortable and convenient experience while allowing surgeons to control variables that could affect the surgical outcome. This promotes a more positive overall patient experience.

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Why choose Coastal Eye?

At Coastal Eye, we take pride in providing our patients with a luxurious boutique surgical suite equipped with state-of-the-art cataract and eye care technology. Our modern and comfortable environment ensures you can relax while receiving the highest quality care. Dr. Shakir has been featured in many news articles and has gained international notoriety for leadership in the field of ophthalmology. The future of surgery is here, and Coastal Eye is sharing that with our patients in Fairfield and Westchester Counties. With the latest technology and advanced techniques, the Coastal Eye team is ready to be your regular eye doctor, providing you with the best possible care for your eyes.

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